What do the English Literacy course students know and need to know to teach English literacy in Preschool and Primary School?

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Title: What do the English Literacy course students know and need to know to teach English literacy in Preschool and Primary School?
Authors: Cherro Samper, Myriam | Fernández Molina, Javier
Research Group/s: Investigación y Formación Didáctica
Center, Department or Service: Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Innovación y Formación Didáctica
Keywords: English literacy | Teaching literacy | Literacy methods | English phonetics
Knowledge Area: Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura
Issue Date: 2017
Editors: Octaedro
Citation: Roig-Vila, Rosabel (ed.). Investigación en docencia universitaria. Diseñando el futuro a partir de la innovación educativa. Barcelona: Octaedro, 2017. ISBN 978-84-9921-935-6, pp. 123-133
Abstract: In the current educational framework and with the new Plurilingual Programmes, there is a tendency to introduce L2 instruction at early ages along with increased exposure to L2 by teaching non-linguistic areas in English. For this reason, the introduction of literacy in English makes more sense in this new context since it allows an approach to teaching, writing and reading English at an earlier age and it is also necessary to have good reading comprehension and writing expression abilities in order to succeed when learning other areas of the curriculum in English. As these are the skills our future teachers will need, to be successful in their task as English teachers, so it is also necessary for them to master teaching English literacy when teaching English or in English. In this study we try to ascertain if our “Literacy in English Language” course gathers all the epistemological and practical knowledge our Degree in Education students’ need to know about English literacy to help them succeed in their future task as English Teachers. The study tools (Pre-Test and Post-Test), the positive results obtained and conclusions are described.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/71097
ISBN: 978-84-9921-935-6
Language: eng
Tipe: info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart
Rights: © De la edición: Rosabel Roig-Vila; del texto: las autoras y autores; de esta edición: Ediciones OCTAEDRO, S.L.
Publisher version: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/71081
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