El Cancionero de Unamuno: aproximación desde la semántica topológica

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Title: El Cancionero de Unamuno: aproximación desde la semántica topológica
Authors: Pérez Herranz, Fernando Miguel | López Cruces, Antonio José
Keywords: Unamuno, Miguel de | Cancionero | Semántica topológica | Verbos | Estructura morfológica | Topología
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Española, Lingüística General y Teoría de la Literatura
Citation: PÉREZ HERRANZ, Fernando Miguel; LÓPEZ CRUCES, Antonio José. “El Cancionero de Unamuno: aproximación desde la semántica topológica”. ELUA. Estudios de Lingüística. N. 15 (2001). ISSN 0212-7636, pp. 335-360
Abstract: For some time, we have been applying the Semantic Topologic, basing ourselves in the applications to Linguistics with the singularity topological theory approach (in the sense of Thom, Petitot, Wildgen, Brandt...). Untill now, we have been using not too extense poetry. Nevertheless we have dared now to analyse a much greater piece of work: the Unamuno’s Cancionero. We have underlined the verbs — which have the central place in our analysis—, and we have established the hierarchical relationship between them in each poem, taking as starting point the central semantic nucleus offered to us by the singularity topological classification.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/6258 | http://dx.doi.org/10.14198/ELUA2001.15.14
ISSN: 0212-7636
DOI: 10.14198/ELUA2001.15.14
Language: spa
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Appears in Collections:ELUA. Estudios de Lingüística Universidad de Alicante - 2001, N. 15
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