Monocentrism vs. pluricentrism in Catalan

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dc.contributorSociolingüística: Planificació Lingüística i Educacióes
dc.contributor.authorMartines, Josep-
dc.contributor.authorMontoya-Abat, Brauli-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Catalanaes
dc.identifier.citationMARTINES, Josep; MONTOYA, Brauli. “Monocentrism vs. pluricentrism in Catalan”. En: Línguas Pluricêntricas. Variação Linguística e Dimensóes Sociocognitivas. Braga : Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2011. ISBN 978-972-697-201-3, pp. 185-195es
dc.description.abstractThis paper aims to examine the problem arising from the application of the monocentric versus the pluricentric codification models to language structures in Catalan language and, particularly, in the Valencian territory. Although some examples will be given from spelling, phonetics or morphology, we shall focus on lexis, as it is the area most perceived by speakers, and therefore that most visible to public opinion. The source material comes from historical, and especially from contemporary text corpora, which allows us to make a contrastive – both qualitative and quantitative – study of the use of certain lexical options, of their specialization in more or less formal contexts, and of the positive or negative prejudices they may have caused among users. It is our belief that bearing these factors in mind is very important for the selection of materials in our corpus. We shall now analyze each of the positions that may be observed among Valencian on the model for the Catalan
dc.publisherUniversidade Católica Portuguesaes
dc.subjectCatalan languagees
dc.subjectValencian territoryes
dc.subject.otherFilología Catalanaes
dc.titleMonocentrism vs. pluricentrism in Catalanes
Aparece en las colecciones:INV - SPLE - Articles d'Investigació / Research Papers Published in Scientific Journals
INV - EXPLANAT - Capítols de Llibres

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