Salud pública global: un desafío a los límites de la salud internacional a propósito de la epidemia de influenza humana A

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dc.contributorSalud Públicaen
dc.contributor.authorFranco Giraldo, Álvaro-
dc.contributor.authorÁlvarez-Dardet, Carlos-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Alicante. Departamento de Enfermería Comunitaria, Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública e Historia de la Cienciaen
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Antioquia. Facultad Nacional de Salud Públicaen
dc.identifier.citationFRANCO GIRALDO, Álvaro; ÁLVAREZ-DARDET DÍAZ, Carlos. "Salud pública global: un desafío a los límites de la salud internacional a propósito de la epidemia de influenza humana A". Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública. Vol. 25, No. 6 (June 2009). ISSN 1020-4989, pp. 540-547en
dc.description.abstractThis article comes from the intense international pressure that follows a near-catastrophy, such as the human influenza A H1N1 epidemic, and the limited resources for confronting such events. The analysis covers prevailing 20th century trends in the international public health arena and the change-induced challenges brought on by globalization, the transition set in motion by what has been deemed the “new” international public health and an ever-increasing focus on global health, in the context of an international scenario of shifting risks and opportunities and a growing number of multinational players. Global public health is defined as a public right, based on a new appreciation of the public, a new paradigm centered on human rights, and altruistic philosophy, politics, and ethics that undergird the changes in international public health on at least three fronts: redefining its theoretical foundation, improving world health, and renewing the international public health system, all of which is the byproduct of a new form of governance. A new world health system, directed by new global public institutions, would aim to make public health a global public right and face a variety of staggering challenges, such as working on public policy management on a global scale, renewing and democratizing the current global governing structure, and conquering the limits and weaknesses witnessed by international health.en
dc.publisherOrganización Panamericana de la Saluden
dc.subjectSalud públicaen
dc.subjectSalud mundialen
dc.subjectPolítica de saluden
dc.subjectÉtica basada en principiosen
dc.subjectPublic healthen
dc.subjectWorld healthen
dc.subjectHealth policyen
dc.subjectPrinciple-based ethicsen
dc.subject.otherMedicina Preventiva y Salud Públicaen
dc.titleSalud pública global: un desafío a los límites de la salud internacional a propósito de la epidemia de influenza humana Aen
dc.title.alternativeGlobal public health: international health is tested to its limits by the human influenza A epidemicen
Aparece en las colecciones:INV - SP - Artículos de Revistas
Institucional - IUIEG - Publicaciones

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