Franco Giraldo, Álvaro, Álvarez-Dardet, Carlos Salud pública global: un desafío a los límites de la salud internacional a propósito de la epidemia de influenza humana A FRANCO GIRALDO, Álvaro; ÁLVAREZ-DARDET DÍAZ, Carlos. "Salud pública global: un desafío a los límites de la salud internacional a propósito de la epidemia de influenza humana A". Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública. Vol. 25, No. 6 (June 2009). ISSN 1020-4989, pp. 540-547 URI: DOI: ISSN: 1020-4989 Abstract: This article comes from the intense international pressure that follows a near-catastrophy, such as the human influenza A H1N1 epidemic, and the limited resources for confronting such events. The analysis covers prevailing 20th century trends in the international public health arena and the change-induced challenges brought on by globalization, the transition set in motion by what has been deemed the “new” international public health and an ever-increasing focus on global health, in the context of an international scenario of shifting risks and opportunities and a growing number of multinational players. Global public health is defined as a public right, based on a new appreciation of the public, a new paradigm centered on human rights, and altruistic philosophy, politics, and ethics that undergird the changes in international public health on at least three fronts: redefining its theoretical foundation, improving world health, and renewing the international public health system, all of which is the byproduct of a new form of governance. A new world health system, directed by new global public institutions, would aim to make public health a global public right and face a variety of staggering challenges, such as working on public policy management on a global scale, renewing and democratizing the current global governing structure, and conquering the limits and weaknesses witnessed by international health. Keywords:Salud pública, Salud mundial, Política de salud, Ética basada en principios, Public health, World health, Health policy, Principle-based ethics Organización Panamericana de la Salud info:eu-repo/semantics/article