Generation of Tactile Data from 3D Vision and Target Robotic Grasps

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dc.contributorAutomática, Robótica y Visión Artificiales_ES
dc.contributor.authorZapata-Impata, Brayan S.-
dc.contributor.authorGil, Pablo-
dc.contributor.authorMezouar, Youcef-
dc.contributor.authorTorres, Fernando-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Alicante. Departamento de Física, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Teoría de la Señales_ES
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Alicante. Instituto Universitario de Investigación Informáticaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationIEEE Transactions on Haptics. 2021, 14(1): 57-67.
dc.identifier.issn1939-1412 (Print)-
dc.identifier.issn2329-4051 (Online)-
dc.description.abstractTactile perception is a rich source of information for robotic grasping: it allows a robot to identify a grasped object and assess the stability of a grasp, among other things. However, the tactile sensor must come into contact with the target object in order to produce readings. As a result, tactile data can only be attained if a real contact is made. We propose to overcome this restriction by employing a method that models the behaviour of a tactile sensor using 3D vision and grasp information as a stimulus. Our system regresses the quantified tactile response that would be experienced if this grasp were performed on the object. We experiment with 16 items and 4 tactile data modalities to show that our proposal learns this task with low error.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported in part by the Spanish Government and the FEDER Funds (BES-2016-078290, PRX19/00289, RTI2018-094279-B-100) and in part by the European Commission (COMMANDIA SOE2/P1/F0638), action supported by Interreg-V Sudoe.es_ES
dc.rights© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.es_ES
dc.subjectRobotic perceptiones_ES
dc.subjectTactile feedback estimationes_ES
dc.subjectTactitle data generationes_ES
dc.subjectTactile perceptiones_ES
dc.subject3D visiones_ES
dc.subject.otherIngeniería de Sistemas y Automáticaes_ES
dc.titleGeneration of Tactile Data from 3D Vision and Target Robotic Graspses_ES
dc.relation.projectIDinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/AEI/Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020/RTI2018-094279-B-I00-
Aparece en las colecciones:INV - AUROVA - Artículos de Revistas

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