Martínez Ruiz, María Ángeles, Sauleda Parés, Narciso Análisis del curriculum de ciencias naturales en el Ciclo Medio de EGB: aspectos metodológicos Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Escuela de Magisterio. 1985, 2: 7-22 URI: DOI: ISSN: 2480-8881 Abstract: In this paper we assess a method used in an analysis of objectives in a Natural Sciences Curriculum of «Ciclo Medio» in Spanish Primary Schools. With this procedure the articulation and structuration for each thematic unit of these Curricula aims are obtained as well as the construction of graphics displayed in different levels of complexity. This disposition informs about the most interesting sequences of objectives and about the less productive ways related to interactional prerequisites. This sort of analysis can provide considerable insight into the thematic unit aims and into the more interesting sequential orderings. The results obtained provide with an invaluable information to the teacher's decision making act in the classroom. Those thematic units from the mentioned Curriculum will be published in forthcoming papers. Keywords:Curriculum of Primary Schools, Natural Sciences, Articulation and structuration of aims, Decision-making in the sequenciation of objectives Universidad de Alicante. Escuela de Magisterio info:eu-repo/semantics/article