Martínez Ruiz, María Ángeles, Sauleda Parés, Narciso La contribución de la acción en el aula a la evolución del pensamiento del profesor en formación inicial Tossal. Revista Interdepartamental de Investigación Educativa. 1993-1994, 2-3: 19-35 URI: DOI: ISSN: 1132-8134 Abstract: The main aim of this research is to analyse the evolution of previous thoughts, conceptions and beliefs of pre-service teacher as a consequence of their practice. Each student should do a process of reflection and confrontation of their previous thoughts with their perception of classroom life during his/her practice. Analyse and discussion of our data is made in the framework of constructs on teacher thinking and reflective teaching. We designed and applied an instrument of evaluation and a computer treatment of data were made. This research considers two samples, one carried out in Spain, and another in England. Keywords:Teacher thinking, Reflective teaching, Confrontation Universidad de Alicante. Escuela Universitaria de Profesorado info:eu-repo/semantics/article