Díez de Revenga Torres, Pilar Análisis de las lexías complejas en documentos medievales murcianos DÍEZ DE REVENGA TORRES, Pilar. “Análisis de las lexías complejas en documentos medievales murcianos”. ELUA. Estudios de Lingüística. N. 3 (1985-1986). ISSN 0212-7636, pp. 193-208 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/6644 DOI: 10.14198/ELUA1985-1986.3.08 ISSN: 0212-7636 Abstract: The structure of a series of documents referring to donations and transactions, written in the Kingdom of Murcia in the XIIIth century, is analyzed in this paper. Every document is considered as a microtext divided into several sections, according to the models presented by Prof. G. del Ser Quijano —in the juridical aspect— and Prof. Roudil and Metzeltin —in the linguistic one—. Once the texts are analyzed according to the proposed scheme, we group them bearing in mind their structures and comparing one to another. Likewise, the complex lexies occurring in every section and repeated in their equivalents of other documents are studied by us ... They are inventoried and their variants and antecedents are studied, considering some morphosyntactic aspects. Keywords:Murcia (Reino), Documentos medievales, Siglo XIII, Análisis estructural, Lexías complejas Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Española, Lingüística General y Teoría de la Literatura info:eu-repo/semantics/article