Tonfoni, Graziella Per un modello di coerenza testuale basato sulla teoria dei frames TONFONI, Graziella. “Per un modello di coerenza testuale basato sulla teoria dei frames”. ELUA. Estudios de Lingüística. N. 04 (1987). ISSN 0212-7636, pp. 33-43 URI: DOI: 10.14198/ELUA1987.4.02 ISSN: 0212-7636 Abstract: This paper presents a textual model based on the theory of cognitive frames formulated by Minsky. This theoretical systematization is known as «Frame System Theory» (FST). The theoretical instrumentation of FST has been assumed and applied to the area of textlinguistic communication with the name of «Frame System Theory of Text» (FSTT). The assumption of such a cognitive model, applied especially to the areas of perceptive investigation, proves to be extremely useful and productive in the sector of linguistic perception constituted, in this case, by textual comprehension. Keywords:Minsky, Marvin, Frame system theory, Comprensión textual, Coherencia textual, Conectores, Conceptos teóricos, Teoría de los marcos Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Española, Lingüística General y Teoría de la Literatura info:eu-repo/semantics/article