Doménech-Belda, Carolina Monedas, rebeldes y ribāṭ-s a finales del Emirato andalusí Archeologia Medievale. 2016, 43: 277-287 URI: DOI: ISSN: 0390-0592 ISBN: 978-88-7814-557-3 Abstract: Los problemas que afectaron al Emirato omeya andalusí en la segunda mitad del siglo IX provocaron una importante disminución de las emisiones monetarias hasta hacerlas desaparecer prácticamente a finales de la centuria. Para esos momentos, los hallazgos numismáticos evidencian la existencia de algunas acuñaciones realizadas al margen del poder emiral o vinculadas a dinastías foráneas. Este texto analiza dichas emisiones, realizadas cuando la ceca oficial parece estar cerrada, en el marco del complejo panorama político y económico en el que se insertan y examina los datos que parecen relacionar algunos registros numismáticos con los ribāṭ-s. During the second half of the 9th century, the Umayyad Emirate in al-Andalus faced some significant problems. As a consequence, there was a drastic decrease in the minting of coins, and mints had almost disappeared by the end of the century. Nevertheless, coins circulating at that time show that the existing mints were not directly controlled by the Umayyad Emirate, but were normally controlled by different dynasties. This paper discusses the circulation of the coins made during the period when the mints controlled by the Emirate appear to have been closed. The political and economic situation seems to have been particularly complex during the period discussed in this paper. As some coins show a close relationship with the ribāṭ-s, the relevant records have been analysed. Keywords:Numismática, Al-Andalus, Emirato omeya, Rebeldes, Ribāṭ-s, Numismatic, Umayyad Emirate, Rebels All’Insegna del Giglio info:eu-repo/semantics/article