Planes, Serge, García Charton, José Antonio, Pérez Ruzafa, Ángel Ecological effects of atlanto-mediterranean marine protected areas in the European Union Ecological effects of atlanto-mediterranean marine protected areas in the European Union / Planes S., García-Charton J.A., Pérez-Ruzafa A. (Coord.). 2006. EMPAFISH Project, Booklet No. 1, 158 pp. URI: DOI: ISSN: Abstract: Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are critically important to the conservation of marine biodiversity and ecological processes and to achieving a sound basis for sustainable use and development of marine environments and resources. This is clearly reflected in the statement from World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg): "MPAs are the key to achieving at least 10% of each of the world's ecological regions effectively conserved - the target established at the 6th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biodiversity". At the same time, it is widely considered that MPAs can make a significant contribution to regional economic development and to improving the wellbeing of local communities. Fisheries are one of the main threats to marine biodiversity and ecological processes and MPAs are therefore important for conserving ecosystem services provided by the sea and sustaining tourism that depends on these. By restricting damaging activities, MPAs offer protection for marine natural resources and provide them with critical habitats they need at key times, e.g. for breeding or feeding. MPAs benefit species and habitats of regional interest and may also help to avoid or at least limit the deleterious effects of non-sustainable uses and activities, including pollution and other sources of degradation, in favour of the local economy. Keywords:Marine protected areas, Ecological effects, Ecological features, Ecological processes, Marine connectivity, Ecosystem management EMPAFISH Project info:eu-repo/semantics/book