Fernandez-Varo, Helena, Pérez Molina, Manuel, Fuentes Rosillo, Rosa, Ortuño, Manuel, Neipp, Cristian, Beléndez, Augusto, Pascual, Inmaculada Analysis of holographic reflection gratings recorded in polyvinyl alcohol/acrylamide photopolymer FERNÁNDEZ, Elena, et al. "Analysis of holographic reflection gratings recorded in polyvinyl alcohol/acrylamide photopolymer". Applied Optics. Vol. 52, No. 8 (10 March 2013). ISSN 1559-128X, pp. 1581-1590 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/27156 DOI: 10.1364/AO.52.001581 ISSN: 1559-128X (Print) Abstract: Holographic reflection gratings in a polyvinyl alcohol/acrylamide based photopolymer were stored using symmetrical geometry in three different thicknesses of the material. The advantage of symmetrical geometry is that exact expressions for transmittance, reflectance, and electric fields can be obtained analytically. Using these expressions, experimental data were fitted to obtain parameters such as refractive index modulation, spatial period of the grating, optical thickness or shrinkage of the material. Keywords:Holography, Volume holography, Reflection gratings, Photopolymers Optical Society of America info:eu-repo/semantics/article