Pardillo Vela, Jesús, Mazón, Jose-Norberto Using ontologies for the design of data warehouses PARDILLO, Jesús; MAZÓN, Jose-Norbeto. “Using ontologies for the design of data warehouses”. International Journal of Database Management Systems (IJDMS). Vol. 3, No. 2 (May 2011). ISSN 0975-5985, pp. 73-87 URI: DOI: 10.5121/ijdms.2011.3205 ISSN: 0975-5985 (Print) Abstract: Obtaining an implementation of a data warehouse is a complex task that forces designers to acquire wide knowledge of the domain, thus requiring a high level of expertise and becoming it a prone-to-fail task. Based on our experience, we have detected a set of situations we have faced up with in real-world projects in which we believe that the use of ontologies will improve several aspects of the design of data warehouses. The aim of this article is to describe several shortcomings of current data warehouse design approaches and discuss the benefit of using ontologies to overcome them. This work is a starting point for discussing the convenience of using ontologies in data warehouse design. Keywords:Data warehouses, Ontologies Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) info:eu-repo/semantics/article