Bustos Moreno, Yolanda B. Regulatory Needs for the Implementation of Urban Air Mobility In Spain. Innovative Air Mobility Noise Impact in Urban Areas - Regulatory Proposal Boletín (Observatorio Jurídico Aeroespacial). 2023, 12: 143-165 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/138283 DOI: ISSN: 2792-4114 Abstract: SUMARY: 1. EUROPEAN STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS NOISE AND OTHER HARMFUL EFFECTS OF INNOVATIVE AIR MOBILITY. 2. CURRENT REGULATION IN SPAIN. 3. NOTES ON THE REGULATORY NEEDS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF URBAN AIR MOBILITY IN SPAIN. 4. NOISE IMPACT OF INNOVATIVE AIR MOBILITY IN URBAN AREAS. 4.1. Noise emissions from aircraft and their infrastructure (aerodromes) . 4.2. Specific aspects of UAS/UAM noise and future challenges. 4.3. EASA actions. A) Consultation document: Environmental Protection Technical Specification (EPTS) applicable to eVTOL powered by multiple, vertical, non-tilting, evenly distributed rotors I EASA. B) Environmental research - rotorcraft noise I EASA. C) Technical specifications of the vertiports prototype PTS-VPT-DSN. D) Guidelines on noise measurement of unmanned aircraft systems of less than 600 kg operating in the specific category (low and medium risk) - EASA. 4.4. From the generation to the reception (or immission) of noise by the UAS. 4.5. Digital models of the urban environment. 4.6. Digital UAS Models. 4.7. Conclusions. Keywords:Noise, Urban mobility, Drone, Unmanned aircraft systems, Ruido, Molestias, Movilidad urbana, Dron, Sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas Asociación Española de Derecho Aeronáutico y Espacial (AEDAE) info:eu-repo/semantics/article