Pardo Martínez, Alba Inclusive language in English and Spanish as L2/FL. Attitudes and perceptions of students and teachers URI: DOI: ISSN: Abstract: Inclusive language and more specifically gender-inclusive language is a topic of the present as it is gaining more recognition through social media, especially among young generations. This topic has been researched in the teaching field, however, a few studies have focused on foreign languages. In order to observe whether there is a positive mindset towards its use as well as teachers’ predisposition towards receiving training on it, in this dissertation, attitudes and perceptions of students and teachers of English and Spanish as foreign languages have been explored. The study follows a mixed-method method that was conducted at the Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples with 16 teachers and 84 students of English and Spanish as foreign languages. The results indicate that all participants show awareness of the topic, optimistic attitudes towards its use as well as teachers’ propensity to receive training on inclusive language. Keywords:Gender-inclusive language, Inclusive language, English as Foreign Language (EFL), Spanish as Foreign Language (SFL), Language teaching, Attitudes towards language, Training info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis