Tent-Manclus, Jose Enrique, Lancis Sáez, Carlos, Dinarès Turell, Jaume, Estévez Rubio, Antonio Primeros datos bioestratigráficos de los grupos evaporíticos de la Cuenca de Fortuna (Cordillera Bética) Geogaceta. 2007, 41: 231-234 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/133139 DOI: ISSN: 0213-683X Abstract: The present work offers the first biostratigraphic calibration based on calcareous nannoplankton of the three evaporitic assemblages in the Rio Chicamo section. The A. primus FAD is registered at the upper part of the Sanel marls, above the lower gypsum, and bellow the Tale gypsum. The A. delicatus FAD, and the A. amplificus FAD occurs in the lower and upper part of the Chicamo Cycles, respectively, which allow to calibrate the Chicamo Cycles reversal as the chron C3Ar. The Tortonian/Messinian boundary is found at the Tale gypsum. Keywords:Betic Cordillera, Tortonian Salinity Crisis, Calcareous nannoplankton, Messinian, Fortuna Basin Sociedad Geológica de España info:eu-repo/semantics/article