Morote Seguido, Álvaro Francisco, Hernández-Hernández, María ¿Qué imágenes sobre las inundaciones se insertan en los libros de texto de Educación Primaria (Ciencias Sociales)? Morote, Álvaro-Francisco; Hernández, María. “¿Qué imágenes sobre las inundaciones se insertan en los libros de texto de Educación Primaria (Ciencias Sociales)?”. En: Esteve Faubel, José María, et al (eds.). Transformando la educación a través del conocimiento. Barcelona: Octaedro, 2022. ISBN 978-84-19506-73-3, pp. 909-919 URI: DOI: ISSN: ISBN: 978-84-19506-73-3 Abstract: The objective of this research is to carry out an analysis of the images that are inserted about floods in the main school textbooks of Social Sciences (3rd cycle of Primary Education; 5th and 6th) that are used in Spain (Anaya, Bromera, Santillana, SM and Vivens Vives). These images have been analysed taking into account 2 criteria: 1) the degree of catastrophism; and 2) the contextualization in the territory in which it is attached. From the review of all the images (n=640), those that mention natural risks (5.3%; n= 34) have been analysed. Those concerning floods are 10 (29.4% over the total). The results show that in relation to the degree of catastrophism, the majority (90%; n=9) are characterized by presenting a catastrophic image. And regarding the territorial context, 90% (n=9) do not know which territory they refer to, thus hindering the explanation of the explanatory text with which these images are supported. In conclusion, it should be noted that these phenomena must be explained with greater scientific rigor and territorial contextualization. A more detailed analysis of the human and natural agents that influence risk is also necessary. Keywords:Floods, Risk, Textbooks, Social Sciences, Primary Education Octaedro info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart