Búrdalo Rapa, Luis, Terrasa Barrena, Andrés, García-Fornes, Ana, Espinosa, Agustín Supporting social knowledge in multiagent systems through event tracing BÚRDALO RAPA, Luis, et al. “Supporting social knowledge in multiagent systems through event tracing”. Journal of Physical Agents. Vol. 3, No. 3 (Sept. 2009). ISSN 1888-0258, pp. 19-23 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/12529 DOI: 10.14198/JoPha.2009.3.3.04 ISSN: 1888-0258 Abstract: Social knowledge is one of the key aspects of MAS in order to face complex problems in dynamical environments. However, it is usually incorporated without specific support on behalf of the platform and that does not let agents take all of the advantage of this social knowledge. At present time, the authors of this paper are working in a general tracing system, which could be used by agents in the system to trace other agents’ activity and that could be used as an alternative way for agents to perceive their environment. This paper presents first results of this work, consisting of the requirements which should be taken into account when designing such a tracing system. Keywords:Agents, Multiagent systems, Social knowledge, Tracing systems Red de Agentes Físicos info:eu-repo/semantics/article