Juan Herrero, Joaquín de, Pérez-Cañaveras, Rosa M. How we teach recognizing images in histology JUAN HERRERO, Joaquín de; PÉREZ CAÑAVERAS, Rosa María. "How we teach recognizing images in histology". En: Science, technology and education of microscopy : an overview / edited by A. Méndez-Vilas. Badajoz : Formatex, 2003. (Microscopy series ; n. 1). Vol. II. ISBN 978-84-607-6699-3, pp. 787-794 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/12382 DOI: ISSN: ISBN: 978-84-607-6699-3 (Vol. II) Abstract: The traditional concept of tissue is a theoretical construct with several incongruities and ambiguities. However, tissue notion is still one useful tool for knowing the microscopic structure of the organism and its relationship with the function and pathological injury. Traditionally, the apprenticeship to identify histological images (HI) was based on their repetitive observation. This classic method is monotonous and is very time consuming. To reduce time and improve learning, we propose a conceptual systematization of the microscopic histological components, introducing the concept of "tissular structures" (TS). TS are classified in three levels according to their complexity. TS of level 1 (TS1) are formed by cells, fibers and ground substance; TS of level 2 (TS2) are organic masses that, regardless of their localization and spatial configuration, are composed of the combination of components of level 1; TS of level 3 (TS3) will be composed of elements of the above levels that adopt a certain spatial configuration or 3D pattern. From these patterns we (realized) conducted an exhaustive catalogue of TS that are contrasted with its corresponding HI. The conceptual systematization of TS, applied in Small Learning Groups and used in Self-Learning Modules, appear to be a very efficient method in the apprenticeship of identifying histological images (HI). Keywords:Human histology, Histology images, Tissue concep, Tisular structures, Self-learning, Teaching, Cell biology, Biomedical didactic Formatex info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart