Garcia-Garcia, Alberto, Oprea, Sergiu, Orts-Escolano, Sergio, Garcia-Rodriguez, Jose Multi-sensor 3D object dataset for object recognition with fullpose estimation URI: DOI: 10.1007/s00521-016-2224-9 ISSN: Abstract: A new dataset for 3D object recognition using the new high-resolution Kinect V2sensor and some other popular low-cost devices like Prime Sense Carmine. Since most already existing datasets for3D object recognition lack some features such as 3D pose information about objects in the scene, per pixel segmentation or level of occlusion, we propose a new one combining all this information in a single dataset that can be used to validate existing and new 3D object recognition algorithms. Moreover, with the advent of the new KinectV2 sensor we are able to provide high-resolution data for RGB and depth information using a single sensor, whereas other datasets had to combine multiple sensors. In addition, we will also provide semiautomatic segmentation and semantic labels about the different parts of the objects so that the dataset could be used for testing robot grasping and scene labeling systems as well as for object recognition Keywords:Multisensor Dataset, Object recognition, RGBD sensors, Pose estimation Springer-Verlag dataset