Álvarez-Morales, Laureano Jesús, Romero Naranjo, Francisco Javier Pilot study into executive functions with Muslim and Christian pupils in the city of Ceuta using body percussion Álvarez-Morales, Laureano Jesús; Romero-Naranjo, Francisco Javier. “Pilot study into executive functions with Muslim and Christian pupils in the city of Ceuta using body percussion”. In: EDUHEM 2018. VIII International conference on intercultural education and International conference on transcultural health: The value of education and health for a global, transcultural world. Future Academy, 2019. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences, EpSBS, 742-750. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.04.02.92 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/108814 DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2019.04.02.92 ISSN: 2357-1330 Abstract: In this study we present a pilot study based on measuring the executive functions amongst students in their first year of secondary school in the Luis de Comoens School in Ceuta. The protocol of the investigation was based on the possible stimulation of the executive functions using the combination of movement and music using body percussion according to the BAPNE Method. The tests used for this study were Stroop, TMT, FAS, Digits, Animals and CARAS. The study was carried out in a sociocultural and economic area of average characteristics during a period of six months within the school. Both the experimental and the control group come from the same establishment, but are in separate sections of the school, thus avoiding possible contamination. The sample (n=61) was studied quantitatively, by comparing the control group with the experimental group. The results of the post-test with the experimental group show clear improvement compared with the control group. They had clearly developed in terms of their executive functions when primarily considering different types of attention, planning, and working memory. Keywords:BAPNE, Body percussion, Executive functions, Motor control, Music, Working memory Future Academy info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject