Health Assets and Perceptions of Well-Beingof Roma in Northern Alicante (Spain)

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dc.contributorSalud Públicaes_ES
dc.contributorGrupo Balmis de Investigación en Salud Comunitaria e Historia de la Cienciaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorExtrand, Elena-
dc.contributor.authorMartínez-Riera, José Ramón-
dc.contributor.authorTobarra-López, Ana-
dc.contributor.authorPeragallo, Nilda-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Alicante. Departamento de Enfermería Comunitaria, Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública e Historia de la Cienciaes_ES
dc.description.abstractBackground: Roma Populations. The Roma are the largest and most marginalized minority in Europe, with an estimated 10-12 million Roma dispersed throughout the continent. Roma populations persistently experience worse health outcomes, living conditions, and access to care than majority populations. Spanish Roma are no exception and experience worse health outcomes than Spanish majority populations. This inequality is pronounced for Roma women, whom have a worse health profile, less healthy lifestyles, and underuse health-care resources compared to Spanish non-Roma women. Health Assets. A health asset can be defined as any factor that enhances the ability to maintain and sustain health and well-being and helps to reduce health inequities. These assets can operate across multiple levels (individual, community, society, etc.) and serve to protect against life’s stressors. Aim. To explore through a qualitative analysis perspectives of well-being of the Roma in the Northern neighborhoods of Alicante, Spain through the identification of health assets in their environment.es_ES
dc.rights© The authorses_ES
dc.subjectHealth assetses_ES
dc.subjectRoma Populationes_ES
dc.subjectCommunity healthes_ES
dc.subjectActivos en saludes_ES
dc.subjectPoblación romaes_ES
dc.subjectSalud comunitariaes_ES
dc.titleHealth Assets and Perceptions of Well-Beingof Roma in Northern Alicante (Spain)es_ES
dc.title.alternativeActivos en salud y percepciones de bienestar de la población roma del norte de Alicante (España)es_ES
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INV - SP - Comunicaciones a Congresos, Conferencias, etc.

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