Los proyectos de fortificación de ciudades costeras en España (1721-1726): líneas estratégicas y debate técnico

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dc.contributorTecnología y Sostenibilidad en Arquitecturaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorEcharri-Iribarren, Víctor-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Alicante. Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicases_ES
dc.identifier.citationEcharri Iribarren, Víctor. “Los proyectos de fortificación de ciudades costeras en España (1721-1726): líneas estratégicas y debate técnico”. In: Marotta, Anna; Spallone, Roberta (Eds.). Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. Vol. VII: Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Age Fortifications of the Mediterranean Coast, FORTMED 2018. Torino: Politecnico di Torino, 2018. ISBN 978-88-85745-12-4, pp. 311-318es_ES
dc.description.abstractModernizing coastal fortifications in Spain was the Bourbon monarchy’s priority in the first quarter of the 18th century. In 1721, Jorge Próspero Verboom, the General Engineer, together with some military engineers -including his son Isidro Prospero- began a reconnaissance trip of the defences on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. From there, he directed fortification projects for Alicante, Cartagena, Ceuta, Malaga and Cadiz. In 1725, he undertook a new journey, this time to the western Spanish-French border. He drafted projects for Pamplona and Fuenterrabia, and tasked Isidro Próspero to write the project for San Sebastian, using this project as an endorsement for his son to succeed him as General Engineer. This research describes the technical projects developed in this period and contextualises them in strategic territorial and defensive lines. The defensive systems underwent crisis during the War of Succession. Not only did they need reinforcement but it was also necessary to preserve commercial routes with a safe system of ports. Intense debates surrounded the proposed technical solutions to the priorities of reinforcing enclosures, communicating isthmuses and bays with the interior, coast batteries and exterior fort systems in strategic places.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipLa documentación de este paper ha sido consultada gracias a la estancia financiada por el programa de ayudas para la investigación en otros países del Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia de Conocimiento UA, de referencia ACIE 17-04.es_ES
dc.publisherPolitecnico di Torinoes_ES
dc.rights© editors Anna Marotta, Roberta Spallone; papers: the authors; 2018 edition: Politecnico di Torino. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licensees_ES
dc.subjectUrban developmentes_ES
dc.subjectMilitary engineerses_ES
dc.subjectTerritory planninges_ES
dc.subject.otherConstrucciones Arquitectónicases_ES
dc.titleLos proyectos de fortificación de ciudades costeras en España (1721-1726): líneas estratégicas y debate técnicoes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones:INV - TSA - Comunicaciones a Congresos, Conferencias, etc.

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