Relationship between Serum Dioxin-Like Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Post-Testicular Maturation in Human Sperm

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dc.contributorResiduos, Energía, Medio Ambiente y Nanotecnología (REMAN)es_ES
dc.contributor.authorPaul, Raiza-
dc.contributor.authorMoltó Berenguer, Julia-
dc.contributor.authorOrtuño García, Nuria-
dc.contributor.authorRomero, Alejandro-
dc.contributor.authorBezos, Carlos-
dc.contributor.authorAizpurua, Jon-
dc.contributor.authorGómez-Torres, María José-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Alicante. Departamento de Ingeniería Químicaes_ES
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Alicante. Departamento de Biotecnologíaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationReproductive Toxicology. 2017, 73: 312-321. doi:10.1016/j.reprotox.2017.07.004es_ES
dc.identifier.issn0890-6238 (Print)-
dc.identifier.issn1873-1708 (Online)-
dc.description.abstractThe relationship between dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl (DL˗PCB) levels in serum and semen parameters were investigated. Our case-control included two groups of patients. Total concentrations of PCBs were significantly higher in the low semen quality (n = 24) than in the normal semen quality (n = 26) group. A significant negative correlation was found between PCB 126 and viability in men with low semen quality, while PCBs 77 and 81 were positively correlated with morphology, and PCB 118, mono-ortho and total DL-PCBs were positively correlated with volume. In the normal semen quality group, PCB 189 and 118 were negatively correlated with sperm motility and volume, respectively. In addition, positive significant correlations were found between PCB 77, 23 and total non-ortho PCBs with regard to morphology. Our findings suggest that sperm motility, viability, volume and morphology are parameters sensitive to alteration by exposure to DL-PCBs, although PCB effects on spermatogenesis were not of clinical significance.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis study was supported by Cátedra Human Fertility from the University of Alicante, CTQ2013-41006-R grant from the Ministerio Economía y Competitividad, and PROMETEOII/2014/007 grant from the Valencian Community Government (Spain).es_ES
dc.rights© 2017 Elsevier Inc.es_ES
dc.subjectMale fertilityes_ES
dc.subjectHuman serumes_ES
dc.subjectSemen parameterses_ES
dc.subjectEndocrine disruptorses_ES
dc.subject.otherIngeniería Químicaes_ES
dc.subject.otherBiología Celulares_ES
dc.titleRelationship between Serum Dioxin-Like Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Post-Testicular Maturation in Human Spermes_ES
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