A "Know-How vs. Know-What" Approach in the Teaching-Learning of Competences in Physical Chemistry

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dc.contributorGrupo de Fotoquímica y Electroquímica de Semiconductores (GFES)es
dc.contributor.authorMonllor-Satoca, Damián-
dc.contributor.authorLana-Villarreal, Teresa-
dc.contributor.authorBonete, Pedro-
dc.contributor.authorGómez, Roberto-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Alicante. Departamento de Química Físicaes
dc.identifier.citationXI Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria [Recurso electrónico]: Retos de futuro en la enseñanza superior: docencia e investigación para alcanzar la excelencia académica = XI Jornades de Xarxes d'Investigació en Docència Universitària. Reptes de futur en l'ensenyament superior: docència i investigació per a aconseguir l'excel·lència acadèmica / coordinadores, Mª Teresa Tortosa Ybáñez, José Daniel Alvarez Teruel, Neus Pellín Buades. Alicante : Universidad de Alicante, 2013. ISBN 978-84-695-8104-9, pp. 474-483es
dc.description.abstractThe methodological approach a teacher uses in the competence teaching-learning process determines the way students learn. Knowledge can be acquired from a series of perspectives, mainly: “know-what” (concept), where facts and descriptions of (natural or social) phenomena are pursued; “know-how” (procedure), where methods and procedures for their application are described; and “know-why” (competence), where general principles and laws that explain both the facts and their applications are sought. As all the three cases are interconnected, the boundaries between them are not fully clear and their application uses shared elements. In any case, the depth of student’s acquired competences will be directly affected by the teaching-learning perspective, traditionally aiming to a “know-why” approach for full competence acquisition. In this work, we discuss a suitable teaching-learning methodology for evaluating whether a “know-how”, “know-what” or combined approach seems better for enhancing competence learning in students. We exemplify the method using a selection of formative activities from the Physical Chemistry area in the Grades of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.es
dc.publisherUniversidad de Alicante. Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Formación y Calidades
dc.publisherUniversidad de Alicante. Instituto de Ciencias de la Educaciónes
dc.subjectPhysical Chemistryes
dc.subject.otherQuímica Físicaes
dc.titleA "Know-How vs. Know-What" Approach in the Teaching-Learning of Competences in Physical Chemistryes
Aparece en las colecciones:Docencia - Redes ICE - Comunicaciones a Congresos, Conferencias, etc.
INV - GFES - Comunicaciones a Congresos, Conferencias, etc.

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