Global Innovation Law and Policy (GIP LAW)

Líneas de Investigación

• Human relationships in the cognitive era: implications of the digital revolution on the regulation of civil and commercial matters in Private international law.
• Self-regulation in the globalized industry 4.0 ecosystem: open source, standards, digital platforms and other consortia.
• Legal protection of intangible assets and sustainable innovation: aligning societal and economic incentives in the international regulatory framework.
• Cyberspace, cross-border litigation and judicial cooperation: Towards a digital jurisdiction?
• Articulating relationships among States and big tech: trade and investment agreements.
• Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in Private International Law. Is code law? From self-executing contracts to machine judicial decision-making.
• Towards a new approach to the protection of intangible assets in a global environment.
• Global approach to law decision processes and resolution of conflicts mechanisms.

Miembros del Grupo

Aurelio López-Tarruella Martínez (dir.)

Observatorio de la Producción CientíficaCurriculum BreveOrcid icon

Manuel Desantes Real

Observatorio de la Producción CientíficaCurriculum Breve

Lydia Esteve González

Observatorio de la Producción CientíficaCurriculum BreveOrcid icon

Carmen Mª García Mirete

Observatorio de la Producción CientíficaCurriculum Breve

Raúl Lafuente Sánchez

Observatorio de la Producción CientíficaCurriculum BreveOrcid icon

Manuel E. Morán García

Observatorio de la Producción CientíficaCurriculum Breve

Raúl Ruiz Rodríguez

Observatorio de la Producción CientíficaCurriculum Breve

Girish Somawarpet Nagraj

Observatorio de la Producción CientíficaCurriculum Breve

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