Explicit equation to calculate the liquid-vapour equilibrium for ternary azeotropic and non azetropic systems

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dc.contributorProcesado y Pirólisis de Polímerosen
dc.contributorCálculo del Equilibrio entre Fasesen
dc.contributorRed Social de Innovación Educativa de la Facultad de Cienciasen
dc.contributor.authorMarcilla, Antonio-
dc.contributor.authorLabarta, Juan A.-
dc.contributor.authorVelasco, Raúl-
dc.contributor.authorSerrano Cayuelas, María Dolores-
dc.contributor.authorOlaya, Maria del Mar-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Alicante. Departamento de Ingeniería Químicaen
dc.identifier.citationMARCILLA GOMIS, Antonio, et al. “Explicit equation to calculate the liquid-vapour equilibrium for ternary azeotropic and non azetropic systems”. En: Book of Abstracts of the VIII IberoAmerican Conference on Phase Equilibria and Fluid Properties for Process Design- EQUIFASE 2009+CD Rom / Maria Eugenia Rebello de Almeida Macedo (ed). Porto : LSRE/LCM ; Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, 2009. ISBN 978-989-20-1694-8, p. 87en
dc.description.abstractA new set of explicit equations to calculate the composition of a vapour in equilibrium with a given liquid mixture at given pressure, and its bubble temperature has been developed. The proposed equations have been applied satisfactorily to different type of ternary liquid-vapour equilibriums and can be of great interest in complex calculations such as optimal design of multicomponent distillation columns, distillation column sequences and distillation boundaries in azeotropic systems. The explicit equations allow the direct calculation of the vapour composition and bubble temperature, thus avoiding the need of iterative calculations and the corresponding convergence problems associated to the solution of the typical set of non-linear equations involved in such problems.en
dc.description.sponsorshipVicepresidency of Research (University of Alicante) and Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2007/125).en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenhariaen
dc.rightsÚnicamente para uso docente y divulgación científicaen
dc.subjectLiquid-vapour equilibriumen
dc.subject.otherIngeniería Químicaen
dc.titleExplicit equation to calculate the liquid-vapour equilibrium for ternary azeotropic and non azetropic systemsen
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