Phonics 2021: where have two decades of research led scholars and practitioners to?

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dc.contributorAdquisición de Lenguas Adicionales (ACQUA)es_ES
dc.contributorEducación Literaria y Lingüística en Español e Inglés (ELEI_UA)es_ES
dc.contributorGrupo de Investigación Interdisciplinar en Docencia Universitaria - Educación y Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación/Educación Inclusiva (GIDU-EDUTIC/IN)es_ES
dc.contributor.authorFernández Molina, Javier-
dc.contributor.authorMateo-Guillén, Copelia-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Alicante. Departamento de Innovación y Formación Didácticaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationFernández Molina, Javier; Mateo-Guillén, Copelia (2021). “Phonics 2021: where have two decades of research led scholars and practitioners to?”. En: Aznar Díaz, Inmaculada, et al. (eds.). Desafíos de la investigación y la innovación educativa ante la sociedad inclusiva. Madrid: Dykinson. ISBN 978-84-1122-024-8, pp. 694-709es_ES
dc.description.abstractA great deal of research papers, including meta-analyses, have strenuously supported the use of phonics for literacy instruction at early stages. In them, authors have expanded the target population scrutinized, including struggling readers and normal readers, learners with or without dyslexic difficulties, so forth. However, as in any given paradigm, the existence of a no small amount of papers aiming contrariwise needs to be acknowledged, as well as their contributions considered. Likewise, since part of the ‘against’ literature has encountered further discrepancy concerning the results and conclusions reached, the debate endures. Research studies have provided important information on whether synthetic phonics is the one method all pedagogues should consider when introducing English literacy to very young learners. What is less clear is what sort of investigation the most cited papers have been. Hence, the purpose of this bibliographic review is to identify the most common themes scholars have investigated concerning the use of synthetic phonics for the instruction of English literacy, and to provide a succinct excerpt of their findings.es_ES
dc.rights© Los autoreses_ES
dc.titlePhonics 2021: where have two decades of research led scholars and practitioners to?es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones:INV - ACQUA - Capítulos de Libros
INV - ELEI_UA - Capítulos de Libros
INV - GIDU-EDUTIC/IN - Capítulos de Libros

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