A THOMAS based multi-agent system for recommendations and guidance in malls

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dc.contributor.authorRodríguez González, Sara-
dc.contributor.authorFernández Gil, Alberto-
dc.contributor.authorJulián, Vicente-
dc.contributor.authorCorchado Rodríguez, Juan Manuel-
dc.contributor.authorOssowski, Sascha-
dc.contributor.authorBotti Navarro, Vicente-
dc.identifier.citationRODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, Sara, et al. “A THOMAS based multi-agent system for recommendations and guidance in malls”. Journal of Physical Agents. Vol. 3, No. 2 (May 2009). ISSN 1888-0258, pp. 21-26en
dc.description.abstractThis article presents a case study in which the THOMAS architecture is applied in order to obtain a multi-agent system (MAS) that can provide recommendations and guidance in a shopping mall. THOMAS is made up of a group of related modules that are well-suited for developing systems in other highly volatile environments similar to a shopping mall. Because the development of this type of system is complex, it is essential to thoroughly analyze the intrinsic characteristics of typical environment applications, and to design all of the system components at a very high level of abstraction.en
dc.publisherRed de Agentes Físicosen
dc.subjectMulti-agent systemsen
dc.subjectVirtual organizationen
dc.subjectOpen multi-agent systemsen
dc.subjectDynamic planningen
dc.subject.otherCiencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificialen
dc.titleA THOMAS based multi-agent system for recommendations and guidance in mallsen
Aparece en las colecciones:Journal of Physical Agents - 2009, Vol. 3, No. 2

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